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How can I customize my lessons? (translations, audio only, mic control)

There are a lot of cool settings you can adjust in Jumpspeak to make our Guided Conversational Lessons the best fit for your level and learning style.

These settings include:

  • Automatic translations (gives a button to show translations, or shows them automatically)
  • Auto-mic activation (lets you tap the mic when you're ready to speak, or turns it on automatically for you)
  • Audio-only (shows no text so that you can practice your listening comprehension)
  • Enhanced or Basic Speech Recognition (this can help if you're having speech recognition issues on your device)
  • Showing recognized speech (this will show what the mic heard you say to better see what pronunciations you should work on)
  • Slow Speech Speed (you can set your Turtle icon to slow speech by 50% - 90%)

You can access these settings in two places:

While Not In A Lesson:

1. Tap the PERSON icon on the bottom or top right of the screen.




2. Scroll down to Lesson Experience and customize your setting here.


The settings in the PERSON will apply to all lessons.

While In A Lesson:

1. Tap the GEAR icon at the top left of the.


2. Scroll down to Lesson Experience and customize your setting here.


The settings in the GEAR will ONLY APPLY to the CURRENT LESSON.

I also recommend checking out our demo video here to see other cool settings and features you can use to make Jumpspeak the best fit for your learning style and level!

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